MLB/ Auction for Shohei Ohtani’s 50_liga portugal
MLB/ Auction for Shohei Ohtani’s 50-50 ball is liga portugalallowed to proceed as legal dispute continues
October 8, 2024 at 12:20 JST
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Los Angeles Dodgers' Shohei Ohtani, of Japan, hits a home run scoring Hunter Feduccia during the third inning of a baseball game against the Miami Marlins on Sept. 17 in Miami. (AP Photo)
The auction for Shohei Ohtani’s potentially lucrative 50th home run ball has been allowed to proceed as a legal dispute over ownership of the financial proceeds continues.
Chris Belanski was the man who walked out of the stadium with the historic baseball, gaining possession in the left field stands at loanDepot Park in Miami. Max Matus and Joseph Davidov each claim in separate lawsuits that they grabbed the ball first.
Attorney John Uustal — who represents Matus — confirmed on Monday that all parties involved wanted the auction to proceed.
A evidentiary hearing set for Oct. 10 has been canceled.
“The parties have agreed that there’s no uncertainty the auction will happen,” Uustal said. “There was a certain amount of momentum and reality surrounding our decision. It took some compromise, but we believe it’s the best move.”
The bidding for the baseball through Goldin Auctions is currently at $1.5 million, through the winner would pay $1.83 million for the ball and added fees. The agreement reached on Monday was partly to assure potential bidders that they would receive possession of the baseball without legal action.
Bids are allowed through Oct. 22.
ESPN first reported the updates in the case. Uustal said no new hearings have been scheduled.
Ohtani became the first player in baseball history to hit 50 homers and steal 50 bases, reaching the mark on Sept. 19 with his homer in Miami against the Marlins.
Matus’ lawsuit claims that the Florida resident — who was celebrating his 18th birthday — gained possession of the Ohtani ball before Belanski took it away. Part of the presentation on Oct. 10 was supposed to be video of the scramble for the ball in the stands.
“Max successfully grabbed the 50/50 ball in his left hand and intended to keep it,” the lawsuit stated. “Unfortunately, a few seconds later, defendant Belanski — a muscular older man — trapped plaintiff’s arm in between his legs and wrangled the 50/50 ball out of Max’s left hand.”
Davidov claims in his suit that he was able to “firmly and completely grab the ball in his left hand while it was on the ground, successfully obtaining possession of the 50/50 ball.”
The suit goes on to say that “an unknown fan wrongfully jumped over the railing, jumped onto the Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s arm and attacked the Plaintiff causing the 50/50 Ball to come loose and roll into the hands of Defendant Chris Belanski.”
Davidov is seeking more than $50,000 in damages.
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